About HullWell
HullWell people are dedicated to providing a proven, better performing, easier to apply and more environmentally responsible underwater surfaces coating system. Our Advanced Marine Coating Technology is unmatched for simplicity, risk elimination, substrate protection, biofouling prevention, cost effectiveness and 10+ years efficacy.
HullWell Commitment
HullWell is committed to delivering the best underwater surface coating system in the world. This is all we do.
HullWell Products
Protect and help restore our marine environment and sea life, they do not discharge biocides onto land or into the sea and they do not emit destructive VOCs into our atmosphere.
Protect all hull and infrastructure substrate types, in all conditions, against water intrusion and corrosion, for ten or more years.
Prevent fouling on vessel and infrastructure underwater surfaces, in all conditions, for ten or more years.
Are simple to apply, minimising risks of failure during application and in use.
Require minimal maintenance.
Deliver low coefficient of drag, hard, non-porous, durable and damage-resistant surfaces.
HullWell People + Background
HullWell was founded in 2020 by Richard Cleave. Mentored from a young age by New Zealand’s top yachtsmen, Richard competed at the top international level in Olympic dinghy, one-design, level-rating, offshore racing and America’s Cup classes …. and occasionally, still does.
His involvement in New Zealand’s marine industry included the leadership of complex, highly technical offshore, Round-the-World and America’s Cup race-boat projects and producing the world’s first carbon fibre spars for Superyachts.
Everything about state-of-the-art projects is people striving for better ways to achieve better results ….. so, in a world of titanium, autoclaves, carbon fibre and composites and adaptive technologies, why are toxins and biocides being applied to hulls to deter biofouling …. a primitive method to solve a problem but creating a very much larger problem in itself … destruction of the marine environment.
Eighteen months of product due diligence and exclusive distribution rights for Coppercoat created the cornerstone of the commitment to a better solution.
Securing Coppercoat was followed by a worldwide search, not solely confined to the marine industry, to find the best-of-type products to synergize with Coppercoat. Simplicity and failsafe procedures, environmental responsibility and high-performance characteristics were high on the evaluation criteria.
DeFOUL (with origins in concrete construction) and CK 426 (with origins in the oil industry) were brought into the stable of products and HullWell Advanced Marine Coating Technology was born.
Coppercoat is well-proven over many years and has thousands of applications in the UK, Europe and the US.
In New Zealand, partnering with applicators and specialists for two years, HullWell has trialled and refined methodologies and equipment for the use of the three products together.
The HullWell Underwater Surfaces Coating System has been rigorously tested and proven to fulfil the commitment to deliver the best underwater surface coating system in the world.
HullWell has carefully developed a network of approved HullWell System applicators for specific regions throughout New Zealand.
HullWell Support Services
HullWell is more than a supplier of marine coatings. It takes responsibility for how its products are used to ensure that every performance attribute is realised. HullWell offer internationally recognised project management, performance and cost analytics.

“Our investment in Coppercoat has paid for itself many times over. Friends with traditional antifouling have had to re-coat eight or nine times over 14 years whereas we have done none.”
— Jonathan Meikle, Wellington